Early Stages of Hearing Loss Are Very Subtle When you think of hearing loss, what image comes to mind? A common image of hearing loss is someone cupping their hand around their ear and leaning in to hear better. But...
Turn the Music Up, Dude — But Not Past 85 Decibels
Are Portable Music Players Hurting Your Hearing? You probably often use your tablet or smartphone to stream music, TV shows, or movies. In fact, many websites these days auto-play videos regardless of whether you want them to or not. Smartphones,...
Q&A: Can Hearing Loss Be Cured?
From Silence to Sound: Treating One of the Most Important Senses With nearly 1 in 5 people worldwide living with hearing loss, an often chronic health condition affecting individuals of every age, many wonder whether there’s a cure. After all,...
6 Fascinating Animal Facts: Hearing Edition
Animal Hearing Is Not One-Size-Fits-All The animal kingdom has developed a surprising variety of hearing — or non-hearing — styles based on anatomy, environment, and necessity. Let’s look at a few. Did You Know Cats Have Pockets? Just above...
How Loud Is It?
When Breaking Out the Power Tools, Protect Your Ears Since childhood, you’ve probably heard the warnings about loud noises and hearing loss. Maybe you’ve even experienced the sensation of ear pain, ringing in the ears, a headache, or a moment...
NCAA Athletes With Hearing Loss
Notables in Volleyball, Swimming, and Beyond For many in the U.S., the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) means brackets, basketball, and American athletes. But it’s so much more. Did you know at least 50 Canadians have participated in the last...
Q: Allergies and Hearing Loss — What’s the Connection?
A: This is a great question! Let’s start with some allergy basics. Allergies An allergy is when your body’s defenses overreact to something that is not typically harmful. These are called allergens, and common ones include latex, pet dander,...
Hearing Aids + Your Brain
You won’t “mind” this news about better hearing and improved cognition! Does hearing aid use help your brain? A growing amount of research associates hearing technology with improved cognition and slowed or decreased risk of cognitive decline. Get the latest...
Get in the Loop
Have you — or has someone you know — ever gone to a play, seminar, house of worship, or musical performance, optimized your hearing device settings, and still had trouble hearing? Why does this happen? Hearing in Public Spaces When...
Hearing & Empowered: Embrace the Season With Gusto
Nothing says “Summertime, here we come!” like hitting the road, rails, trails, and friendly skies to make new memories with loved ones far and nearby. Whether having some local fun or taking a trip, here are six ways your hearing...